The Group for the Research and Promotion of Turkish Music
TUMATA was founded in 1976 by Asst. Prof. Dr. Rahmi Oruç Güvenç, to research and promote, the birth and development of Turkish music, its repertory and its richness in instruments. After its activities in liaison with University of Istanbul Ethnomusicology Research and Application center between 1991 and 1995, it continued its activities as Marmara University Turkic World Research and Promotion Unit at Turkic Research Institute.
The repertory, musical performance style and types, dances, costumes and decorations, social, cultural and pedagogical sources of Turkish music which is said to have a history of six thousand years, and application material of music therapy which was rediscovered by modern medicine comprise the general activities of TUMATA. To serve this purpose, 6 centers have been founded in Mannheim, Munich, Berlin, Zurich, Madrid and Barcelona and apart from these, in Rosenau-Austria a school which trains music therapist was inaugurated and the first graduates received their diplomas after performing in a concert at the Sultan Bajezid II Hospital in Edirne in 1995.
Magister and doctor Gerhard Kadir Tucek is taking care of European affairs and school-education efforts and the general coordination of concerts and seminars since 1986. In 1989 Ethnomusicology Foundation was founded in Vienne. In 1989 a programme to establish a school was started. In 1999 Institute of Ethnomusicology was founded by G. Kadir Tucek and in Rosenau, Zurich, Madrid, Barcelona, Berlin and Mannheim, music therapy education programmes are continuing in association with this institute.
The clinical connection of these programmes date back to 1993. The oldest project and application programmes which began in Meidling Clinic in Vienne in the field of neurology have been completed. Apart from these, research on cardiology – since 2000 – and research on oncology – since 2001 – are being implemented. Also, research programmes relating to the disabled have been continuing since 1993. Projects on geriatrics and immunology are also continuing.
TUMATA ensemble is determined to perpetuate and analyze Turkish music in detail wherever Turks live, with the belief that Turkish music shows continuity and integrity in historical and geographical aspects. Over three hundred musical instruments have been collected and a museum has been formed for this purpose.
The rich values of Turkish music are being gathered by record, cassette, video, notation and archive activities and with an ensemble of over thirty members, ethnomusicology concerts are given to enthusiasts and scientific and artistic communities. Symposia, seminars and festivals are also TUMATA’s activity areas. In the recent years many seminars, 2 festivals and 3 symposia were organized in liaison with the school in Austria in different countries. In 1997 an education protocol was signed between Munich University of Music, Austria Rosenau Music Therapy School and TUMATA.
At the aforementioned symposia and festivals, Turkish music was considered in relation to Ethnomusicology and Modern Medicine and laboratory findings which have been evaluated by parameters like EEG, ECG and galvanometer were brought forward and the healing value of Turkish music was accepted in these symposia in relation to areas of pedagogy, physical therapy and rehabilitation.
The efforts and ideals of TUMATA are being announced to the public in Turkey and abroad by radio, TV programs and different press organs.